LGBTQ+ Inclusivity

Inclusivity training for the Wedding Industry

Hi, I’m Steph- Thanks for being here!
I’m an LGBTQ+ Wedding photographer and inclusivity speaker and educator
You can find out more of what I do and offer, to help the Wedding industry become more inclusive

  • LGBTQ+ Wedding Workshop

    Our workshops are where it all started.
    If you’re a Wedding photographer or videographer looking to learn more and capture some gorgeous LGBTQ+ Wedding content, then this is for you!

  • LGBTQ+ Wedding Podcast


    Love For All: The Podcast
    I’ve teamed together with The Queer Bundle for our LGBTQ+ Wedding podcast for Wedding suppliers and couples & lovers

  • LGBTQ+ Wedding educator and speaker

    Speaking & Talks

    So I guess I do this now!
    If you’re looking for someone to speak at your event, conference, workshop or anything online, about LGBTQ+ inclusivity within the Wedding industry then I’d love to hear from you.

  • LGBTQ+ inclusivity website audits for wedding suppliers

    Site Audits & 1-1 Chats

    If you’d like to ask specific questions or know more about what I teach then I offer online one off 1-1 sessions.
    If you’d like me to check over your website and socials to make sure you’re as inclusive as you think- I do that too!

Why Me?

Well I’m a real Queer human, just trying to do her best, and make the Wedding industry better!

I came out later in life, in 2019, at 31. This was my lightbulb moment.
I’d be capturing Weddings before that, but this time changed my life completely. Not only did I turn my personal life upside down, I became a better person, opened my eyes, and focused on what I love.

All I want is to be able to share what I know, what I’ve picked up along the way, learnt from others and constantly digest, whilst actually being listened to by people who care and want do better.

This is the biggest passion project of my life, because it is my life, I am helping my community and my industry.

Love Doesn’t Win if You’re Not Inclusive

LGBTQ+ inclusivity speaker